BBBEE Level 1 Announcement

The PnS Group is proud to announce that we have achieved a broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) level one contribution status.
B-BBEE Level 1 contributors banner.


The PnS Group is proud to announce that we have achieved a broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) level one contribution status.

Group CEO Glenn Brauns said: “This is a hugely gratifying achievement after several years of hard work around inclusion and diversity, preferential procurement, enterprise and supplier development as well as our investment in an extensive learning and development agenda. An important milestone for PnS, this achievement reflects the ongoing transformation of our business to forge opportunity and shared value. I do not see the accreditation as a destination, but a landmark in our journey towards a more inclusive and equitable society. Being in a position to effect social impact is both a responsibility and privilege.”

Shared value is core to the PnS Group’s business philosophy and was first instilled by the founder of our business when he created a staff trust into which he transferred a significant portion of the business’ shareholding. Over and above corporate social investment in community support and infrastructure programmes, business is in a unique position to drive social impact on many more fronts. Contributing to addressing societal issues strategically and profitably over time creates social and economic stability and sustainability. As a CA&S Group member company we are committed to South and Southern Africa and playing our part as responsible corporate citizens on the continent.

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